Thursday, May 15, 2008

I swear I have a son...

I felt the need to make this disclaimer... I do not love my daughter and dog more than my son. My stubborn, irritating 9-year-old child will NOT let me take his photo anymore. I did get a couple shots the other day by telling him it was his payment for me doing another favor for him. Eden, on the other hand, is always ready to pose for a shot. And London is just downright cute (Maggie makes my camera whine in misery).

Therefore, this is why 80% of my scrapbook pages these days are about my daughter and my dog. Someday my son will pout and point this out to his therapist, at which point I will have to restrain myself from smacking him with my cane.

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And totally not scrapbook related, this image is totally cracking me up.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I could never do that. I LOVE the grocery store, I could stay there for hours deciding what I want to eat for the week.

I can't believe how fast Eden is growing up. She looks way older to me and I just saw her a few months ago!

So where's the photo you forced Johnny into? I want to see if he looks old enough to vote by now :)

Love and xoxo
