Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Help me!

*Post updated! Check below for add-on freebie!*

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I am so excited to talk about this. If you've visited this blog at all in the last 12 months then you know I've been working very hard at losing weight and getting in shape. It hasn't been easy, but it's been rewarding and I've learned so much, not just about nutrition and health, but about myself as well.

One of the goals I set for myself on my 30th birthday was to run in a 5K, and the perfect opportunity has arrived. In January of 2007 I met some of the most incredible and inspiring women anywhere when I joined The Biggest Loser Digi Style. In the last year we have all lost so much weight and become such good friends. We all have the chance to participate in a 5K benefit run in Portland, Maine. To date, five of us are registered. We come from all over the world... from Canada, the US and even Germany. This is an incredible opportunity.

Guess what, I need funds. I will need money for airfare as well as hotel accomodations. I'm doing all kinds of things to raise the money, and one thing I know I can do over the internet is sell digital images. So I've put a kit together that I think is really cute and versatile and is available for a $5.00 donation.

Please email me at get_herbie at yahoo dot com with the words Achievement Kit Donation in the subject line. I will try to respond within 2 hours, except overnight, naturally.

If you can help, I would be so grateful! And I hope you enjoy the kit!

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Here's a perfect add-on for this kit... enjoy it for free!

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*Click here to download!*


Sinead said...

I love the kit and the word art, Val! We're going to rock that race in Maine!!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous kit! Thanks a lot for the freebie, girl!!

LuAnn said...

Congrats! I have started the Couch to 5K running program http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml in an attempt to lose some weight and get fit. My almost 15 year old is training with me and our goal is to run a 5k over the summer!!!

good luck! and thank you for the word art!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much!!!

Rachael said...

You're coming to Maine??????? Portland is about an hour or so from here!!!!!!!!!!!!