Monday, December 17, 2007

25 Days of Christmas PAD Days 16 & 17

Good morning to all our snowstorm survivors! The kids had spent the night at a friend's house and were up getting ready to play in the snow at 7:00, lol! John had to go to church because he was ushering and said there were only about 65 people there. The roads were bad and it was still snowing and blowing and freezing cold. London was SO funny. The snow was nearly over her head... she was totally baffled. So we stayed inside and watched movies and made graham cracker versions of gingerbread houses. John went out and shoveled a few times, but other than that it was a jammie day.
Back deck

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This was taken about 11 AM... we got several more inches after that. So I'm guessing a total of 7-8 inches?

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I forgot to add the text to me and Johnny's pictures, but I figure you're smart enough to figure out whose is whose. I also forgot to take a picture of John's. He made a manger scene with a gummy bear for baby Jesus.

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Photo prompts...

Day 16... snap a shot from the inside of your house looking out.

Today's freebie

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Day 17... snap a shot of something sentimental.

Today's freebie

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank so much for the freebies! Off to take some pics LOL!