Saturday, December 01, 2007

25 Days of Christmas PAD Day 1

... and we're off! I'm so excited to get this going. Now, before we start I just can't stress this enough... don't get caught up in RULES. If you miss a day, don't stop snapping pictures! Taking 20 photos (or 10 or 5 or even 1) is better than taking none. Who knows? That one photo you take could end up being your new favorite. Also, these prompts are just that... prompts. If you have another photo you want to take, do it! If you can't think of something to match the prompt, don't sweat it. If you have a better idea, go for it. What if it doesn't match the Christmas theme? Hey, we're not following rules, remember? Just have fun and snap away.

I've set up a Flickr pool, so if you'd like to share your photos with the group sign up over here.

Day 1: red. (so... snap a photo of something red)

And here is something for you :)


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Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great wreath!!! Thanks a lot for the gift!

nomessscrappin said...

Thanks Val. Now off to find something red.

Anonymous said...

Love the wreath! did you make it?

Scrapmuch said...

thanks so much - this project is a great idea! and freebies to boot, wow! off to download, and get my camera

busyizzie said...

I'm thinking of my red photo. Yikes not much red in my house right now.

Great photo! Thanks so much for the challenge ;)

Val said...

You know, I did mean to say that I made the wreath myself. Thanks for the compliments!

Charla said...

I love your picture!

I can't figure Flickr out, but here's mine:
If you can bring the picture to your group feel free :)

Lori said...

Oh cool! I'm so glad I found this Val... just checking out your blog cause I haven't in a while, and I even got a little treat! I'll find something red to take a picture of tomorrow... I promise! Great idea!

Valerie said...

Thanks for the gift. I just uploaded mine to the group.

Laura in CT said...

Thanks Val! I've taken a picture every day of 2007, and you can imagine that any prompts are welcome at this point. I found something red and posted it at my blog at And thanks for the freebie!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this great project. I just aded my photo to the flickr group.