Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Which is worse?

Waking up with a hangover? Or waking up with a hangover and a house that smells of skunk?

J: Maggie got sprayed by skunk last night.
M: No way. Are you kidding?
J: Why do you think it stinks in here?
M: Oh. I thought that was me.


Anonymous said...

no brainer - definitely hangover plus skunk! ;)

Rachael said...

Bahahahaha, I had the hangover of a lifetime this week..... if there was a skunk, you could have just tossed the gravel on my casket, LOL

Julie P. (babyofmine) said...

okay, I'll say both stink (pun intended) but the skunk thing would be worse. ROFL

Anonymous said...

LOL! How on earth did Maggie get sprayed with a skunk? That's awful. Better go to Costco and get a few gallons of tomatoe sauce so you can get rid of the smell. This is too funny. I know it isn't to you, but to the rest of us it is. Sorry.