Friday, August 19, 2005

100th Post

Wow... is this really my 100th post? I didn't realize I actually came here that often. Speaking of coming here... it's been a few weeks. Sadly, I am w/o my laptop and even with the main PC running fine I still feel a little lost, internet wise.

Update on the puppy: I really should not say bad things about my husband, so I'll just say that I was very angry to discover that he had gone out in the middle of the night and dropped the dog off on the street where he is from. Ok, I will say nothing else about that.

Getting ready for the store at The Digi Chick to open up, yay! This will be an upscale boutique, much different than Scrap Outside the Box. Can't wait to really get the ball rolling on this gig.

Other than that and SCHOOL STARTING NEXT WEEK we've just been hanging around and trying to keep the kids busy. Summer is definately getting old at this point. We still sit around in the sun a little and eat frozen treats on the porch, but the thrill is gone. I'm ready for back packs and school buses. For field trips to the orchard and apple cider and Trick-or-Treating. Come on fall!

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